For other uses of sound, see sound (disambiguation).
Sound or sound is a mechanical compression or longitudinal waves that propagate through the medium. Medium or intermediate substances may be liquid, solid, gas. So, for example, sound waves can propagate in the water, coal, or air.
Most sound is a combination of various signals, but the pure sound can theoretically be explained by the speed of oscillation or frequency measured in Hertz (Hz) and amplitude or loudness of the sound with the measurement in decibels.
Humans hear when sound waves, the vibrations in the air or other medium, to the human eardrum. Limit the frequency of sound can be heard by human ears roughly from 20 Hz to 20 kHz in general amplitude with variations in the response curve. Sounds above 20 kHz are called ultrasonic and below 20 Hz is called infrasound.
Loudness and the decibel
The sound of the train, louder than a whisper sound, because the sound of the train produces greater vibrations in the air. Loudness of sound also depends on our distance to the source of sound. Loudness is measured in decibels (dB). The sound of jet takeoff reaches about 120 dB. Being the sound of rustling leaves of about 33 dB.
Most sound is a combination of various signals, but the pure sound can theoretically be explained by the speed of oscillation or frequency measured in Hertz (Hz) and amplitude or loudness of the sound with the measurement in decibels.
Humans hear when sound waves, the vibrations in the air or other medium, to the human eardrum. Limit the frequency of sound can be heard by human ears roughly from 20 Hz to 20 kHz in general amplitude with variations in the response curve. Sounds above 20 kHz are called ultrasonic and below 20 Hz is called infrasound.
Reverberation occurs when sound is reflected by a surface, such as climbing mountains, and return to us soon after the original sound issued. Clarity of speech and music in a room or concert hall depends on how the sound resonates in it. Voice echo is the reflection of sound effects that have a time delay (delay line) from the reflection of sound after the original sound we hear.
Sound or sound is a mechanical compression or longitudinal waves that propagate through the medium. Medium or intermediate substances may be liquid, solid, gas. So, for example, sound waves can propagate in the water, coal, or air so, the echo is a reflected wave that delayed reaction time of the emitted sound waves.
Sound wave
Sound waves consist of air molecules vibrate back and forth. Each time, the molecules were packed in several places, resulting in a high pressure region, but elsewhere stretchable, resulting in a low pressure area. A wave of high pressure and low alternately moving in the air, spreading from the source of sounds. This sound wave delivers sound to the human ear, sound waves are longitudinal waves.
The speed of sound
Sound propagates in air with a speed of 1224 km / hour. The sound travels more slowly if the temperature and air pressure is lower. In the thin air and cold at an altitude of more than 11 km, the speed of sound of 1,000 km / hour. In water, the speed is 5400 km / h, much faster than in the air looking for fast propagation of sound formula is v = s: t With the sound wave's length and t the time
An object, such as glass, musical tones when tapped because he has a natural vibration frequency of its own. If we sing the musical tone frequency equal to an object, it will vibrate. This event is called resonance. Very loud sounds can cause the glass resonate so strong to break.
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For other uses of sound, see sound (disambiguation).
Sound or sound is a mechanical compression or longitudinal waves that propagate through the medium. Medium or intermediate substances may be liquid, solid, gas. So, for example, sound waves can propagate in the water, coal, or air.
Most sound is a combination of various signals, but the pure sound can theoretically be explained by the speed of oscillation or frequency measured in Hertz (Hz) and amplitude or loudness of the sound with the measurement in decibels.
Humans hear when sound waves, the vibrations in the air or other medium, to the human eardrum. Limit the frequency of sound can be heard by human ears roughly from 20 Hz to 20 kHz in general amplitude with variations in the response curve. Sounds above 20 kHz are called ultrasonic and below 20 Hz is called infrasound.
Loudness and the decibel
The sound of the train, louder than a whisper sound, because the sound of the train produces greater vibrations in the air. Loudness of sound also depends on our distance to the source of sound. Loudness is measured in decibels (dB). The sound of jet takeoff reaches about 120 dB. Being the sound of rustling leaves of about 33 dB.
Most sound is a combination of various signals, but the pure sound can theoretically be explained by the speed of oscillation or frequency measured in Hertz (Hz) and amplitude or loudness of the sound with the measurement in decibels.
Humans hear when sound waves, the vibrations in the air or other medium, to the human eardrum. Limit the frequency of sound can be heard by human ears roughly from 20 Hz to 20 kHz in general amplitude with variations in the response curve. Sounds above 20 kHz are called ultrasonic and below 20 Hz is called infrasound.
Reverberation occurs when sound is reflected by a surface, such as climbing mountains, and return to us soon after the original sound issued. Clarity of speech and music in a room or concert hall depends on how the sound resonates in it. Voice echo is the reflection of sound effects that have a time delay (delay line) from the reflection of sound after the original sound we hear.
Sound or sound is a mechanical compression or longitudinal waves that propagate through the medium. Medium or intermediate substances may be liquid, solid, gas. So, for example, sound waves can propagate in the water, coal, or air so, the echo is a reflected wave that delayed reaction time of the emitted sound waves.
Sound wave
Sound waves consist of air molecules vibrate back and forth. Each time, the molecules were packed in several places, resulting in a high pressure region, but elsewhere stretchable, resulting in a low pressure area. A wave of high pressure and low alternately moving in the air, spreading from the source of sounds. This sound wave delivers sound to the human ear, sound waves are longitudinal waves.
The speed of sound
Sound propagates in air with a speed of 1224 km / hour. The sound travels more slowly if the temperature and air pressure is lower. In the thin air and cold at an altitude of more than 11 km, the speed of sound of 1,000 km / hour. In water, the speed is 5400 km / h, much faster than in the air looking for fast propagation of sound formula is v = s: t With the sound wave's length and t the time
An object, such as glass, musical tones when tapped because he has a natural vibration frequency of its own. If we sing the musical tone frequency equal to an object, it will vibrate. This event is called resonance. Very loud sounds can cause the glass resonate so strong to break.
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The ear
The ear is an organ that is able to detect / recognize the voice & also many play a role in balance and body position. Ear to the vertebrate animals having the same base from fish to humans, with some variation according to the function and species.
Every vertebrate has one pair of ears, each other are located symmetrically on the opposite side of the head, to keep the balance and sound localization.
Sound is a form of energy that moves through air, water, or other objects, in a wave. Although the ear that detect sound, recognition and interpretation of the function performed in the brain and central nervous system. Sound stimuli delivered to the brain through nerves that connect the ear and brain (vestibulocochlear nerve).
outer ear
The outside is the outermost part of the ear. The outer ear consists of the ear, the ear canal and outer ear canal. The outer ear includes the auricle or pinna, Liang ear or external auditory meatus and the eardrum or tympanic membrane. Section auricle serves to help direct sound into the ear canal and eventually into the eardrum. The design is so complex in the outer ear serves to capture the sound and the most important part is the ear canal. This channel is the result of the composition of bone and cartilage covered with thin skin.
In the channel there are many glands that produce a waxy substance called cerumen or earwax. Only the channels that produce wax that has a little hair. At the end of the channel there is a continued sound eardrum to the inner ear.
Inflammation of the ear is called otitis externa. This usually happens because the habit of scraping the ear & be a problem for people with diabetes mellitus (DM / sick sugar)
The middle ear
The middle ear includes the eardrum, three auditory bones (hammer or malleus, anvil or incus, and stirrup or stapes). Eustachius channels are also located in the middle ear.
Sound vibrations received by the eardrum will be submitted to bone loss. Each hearing will deliver bone vibrations to the next bone. Stirrup bone which is the smallest bone in the body's vibrations to the cochlea or continue the cochlea.
In humans and other terrestrial animals, the middle ear and the auditory channel will be filled with air under normal circumstances. Unlike on the outside, the air in the middle ear is not related to the air outside the body. Eustachius channel connecting the middle ear space behind the pharynx. Under ordinary circumstances, Eustachius channel relationships and middle ear closed and open at the time of chewing and yawning. This explains why the passenger plane was 'temporary deafness' during takeoff. Sense of deafness caused by the pressure difference between ambient air. The air pressure in the vicinity have been dropped, while in the middle ear is an air pressure of the mainland. This difference can be resolved by the mechanism of chewing something or yawn.
Inflammation or infection in the ear is called otitis media
3 different memorization techniques so as not to reverse bone loss, as follows: 3 bone loss is a hammer, anvil and stirrup. Technique is to note the letter behind each name is bone loss, and equate with the first letter of the next name (Marti (l), (l) you (san), (san) ggurdi) is important we know the first letter / word before him,,, (Graciella Satriyo.Sanjose Eunice, Victoria 2011)
ear in
Cochlear cross section. Endolimfe contained in the scale of the media - a bright green area in the center of the diagram.
The inner ear consists of osea labyrinth (labyrinth bone), a series of cavities in the bone periosteum-covered temples are filled with fluid perilimfe & membranasea maze, which lies deeper and has a fluid endolimfe.
In front there is a cochlear labyrinth or the cochlea. Cochlear cross section trdiri cedar vestibuli three parts, namely scale, medium scale, and scale tympani. The bottom of the scale vestibuli through the stapes related to the so-called casement windows webbed oval, while the tympanic scale associated with middle ear through the round hatch.
The top of the scale of the media is limited by the vestibular membrane or Reissner membrane and lower bounded by a membrane basilaris. Above the membrane basilaris are organo functional Corti transform sound vibrations into impulses. Organo Corti consists of hair cells and cell backer. On top of hair cell membrane are composed of gelatin tektorial flexible, whereas the hair cells will be connected with parts of the brain with the vestibulocochlear nerve.
Organ Balance
In addition to the hearing, the inner ear there is Indra Regulatory Balance or vestibular organ. This section is structurally located in the back of the labyrinth that forms the structure of the utricle and saccule and three semicircular channel or channels bun or semicircular. The five sections are functions to manage the balance of body and have the hair cells to be linked to the balance of the hearing nerve.
The organ of hearing of invertebrate animals
Only vertebrate animals have ears, although some invertebrates are able to detect sound with a certain sense. In insects, the tympanic organ used to hear voices.
Some animals also use his feet to recognize the voice as in spiders and cockroaches. Caterpillars use the feather on his body to feel the vibration and allow them to respond to sound.
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